GeFi Official
11 min readAug 21, 2021


Host: Cyptoclash

Guest: GeFi

Venue : ‪

Date : 19 August 2021

Time : UTC 1200

On 19 August 2021, GeFi held an AMA session in the Cryptoclash community with the aim of providing audiences with more information about the GeFi project. Today, we are glad to summarize some of the interesting points of the AMA!

Part 1: AMA Introduction

Today We are going to have an AMA Session with GeFi (GemStone Finance)

The Agenda of today’s AMA:

1. Start. AMA speaker self-introduction.

2. Project Introduction by speakers

3. Question from Twitter Community

4. Live Segment

Ask any question you have about GeFi and our speakers would answer them.

Few rules

- Be polite.

- If you have a long question consisting of a few other questions in it, please place it in one message.

- Be patient — all the questions will be answered. (If Possible)

- Be attentive — maybe your question was already answered.

- Do not copy and paste the questions

- Make the unique questions

Segment 2: Project introduction

Q1: Could you describe us about your project “GeFi”. What is your project about and how can we see it in action?

Alton | GeFi : As per mentioned in our gitbook,

GeFi tend to build up an actual decentralise ecosystem.

Which constitutes of 2 tokens that integrates with our yield farming, NFT marketplace, and blockchain-powered games.

Apart from solving the authenticity of physical precious stones by fortifying certifications with blockchain technology,

GeFi also provides a platform for users to trade, swap, stake, yield, have fun, and profit at the same time, to obtain limited GEG & GES tokens.

We want GeFi become one of the most exclusive Defi projects in the market! and also in Binance Smart Chain.


Q2: Can you please tell us which problems did you see in our current life styles and how can GeFi solve them?

Josh| GeFi : Most of the people now are trapped in traditional settings, especially in traditional investment. They have been taught that putting their hand-earned money in the traditional finance system are actually safe, is not.

Traditional finance will not generate enough interest rate to out perform inflation.

Blockchain is the current way to achieve the freedom in financial.

That’s why GeFi use blockchain technology to create a decentralized environment for financial instrument and cyber security.


Q3: Can you please tell us which problems did you see in our current life styles and how can GeFi solve them?

Josh| GeFi : Most of the people now are trapped in traditional settings, especially in traditional investment. They have been taught that putting their hand-earned money in the traditional finance system are actually safe, is not.

Traditional finance will not generate enough interest rate to out perform inflation.

Blockchain is the current way to achieve the freedom in financial.

That’s why GeFi use blockchain technology to create a decentralized environment for financial instrument and cyber security.


Frostbite | Cryptoclash : Great, Next question

Q4 What are the Main Features that distinguish GeFi from its competitors?

Alton | GeFi : We don’t treat other platform as our competitors, in fact we welcome them as friends as there will be rooms for collaboration in future.

Our NFT marketplace will be the most innovative design in the market, we will be adding more innovative features will bring more benefits to our investor, buyer and sellers that the market currently doesn’t have.

Well, currently I’m unable to expose too much information yet.

Stay tune and find out from our Gitbook :


Frostbite | Cryptoclash : Love this answer, no one told this before 😊

Next question

Alton | GeFi : This is what differ projects build on BlockChain versus traditional bricks & mortar projects

Frostbite | Cryptoclash : Yeah

Q5 What is the role of token in your ecosystem? Could you tell us a bit about the tokenomics of your project?

Josh| GeFi : GeFi’s protocol features dual token system, GeGem (GEG) and GeStone (GES) which integrates a lucrative finance vault with a unique NFT gamification equipped with an extensive marketplace. Our mission making it one of the most exclusive Defi projects in the market.

GeGem (GEG) is coded with battle-tested smart contract to powered the GeFi finance vault and work as nodes for DAO voting mechanism.

GeStone (GES) empower as the mode of transaction in our StoneAge NFT Marketplace and BlockChain-Powered games, which is destined for unforgettable experience!

Total Supply : 95,000 GEG

Finance Vaults 40% — 38,000 GEG

Public Sales 30% — 28,500 GEG

Technical 15% — 14,250 GEG

Development 5% — 4750 GEG

Reserved 5% — 4750 GEG

Marketing 5% — 4750 GEG

Distribution Details:

- Finance Vaults 40% — 38,000 GEG, will distribute to every GeFi yield farming stake within 2 years, start with BNB, BUSD, CAKE, later on with USDT, BTCB, DAI, USDC and other collaborations

- Public Sales 30% — 28,500 GEG, we started our ISO / public sales on 8th of July, and now is completely sold. 70% of collected funds will thus allocate to Pancake Swap for Liquidity Management.

- Technical 15% — 14,250 GEG for tech team

- Development 5% — 4750 GEG for GeFi future development

- Reserved 5% — 4750 GEG for safety funds

- Marketing 5% — 4750 GEG for airdrops, rewards, partnerships & so on

GES GeStone token tokenomics will announced soon within August 2021


Frostbite | Cryptoclash : Pretty good stuffs, I think community will like it 😊

Last question from this segment

Can you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results GeFi has achieved so far? And any sneak peek into 2021 plans for GeFi?

Alton | GeFi : We have just officially launched on 12th August 2021.

We believe that GEG price will accelerates around USD 200–250 based on our experience.

However, market tremendous support has moon GEG price to USD 1300–1400 since launched!

Moreover, Liquidity volume have exceeded $1,700,000 and daily trading volume has soar above above $2,000,000

Frostbite | Cryptoclash : Wow, Awesome!

Alton | GeFi : For future pipeline we will focus on completely build GeFi ecosystem,

which we will launch the next phase soon, our NFT Marketplace, StoneAge

This is just the beginning for GeFi and current liquidity pool have more than 2mil assets.

We are going to launch our StoneAge NFT marketplace and GES (GESTONE) token.

Check out for StoneAge and GES details below.

StoneAge NFT :

GeStone (GES) :


Frostbite | Cryptoclash : Great, That’s all for this segment, thanks for answering all my questions

Now let’s move for community questions

Segment 3: Questions from Twitter

Q1 Many projects on a daily basis promise great utilities and functionalities, but they end up throwing the carpet days after the presale, how do you really know that your project will not throw the carpet? What guarantee do investors have?


Alton | GeFi : We have completed 3 phases of Initial Stake Offering (Pre-Sales) event from

8 July 2021–6 August 2021 and our finance vault goes live at UTC 1200, 12th August 2021.

The price of GEG mooned from $80 to $1500 since launched.

All of our investor that are currently staking in our finance vault enjoys APY up to 2000%!!

Total Deposit Value (TDV) reach 7mil in 7 days and currently we have more than 2mil assets in liquidity pool.

GeFi platform is powered by the deposit, withdraw and performance fees which is highly secured by smart contracts.

I truly believe this is the biggest guarantee for our investors.

Q2 As we know, By the Token price many people judge a project, What do you have to Say to investors? What’s the plan to increase the Token Demand?


Josh| GeFi : GeFi project are focused on optimizing the yields for each participant. Our yields mechanism is equipped with battle-tested smart contracts and proprietary dynamic harvesting optimizer to enable the highest APYs on our vaults to ensure quality gains for all participants.

We apply DAO voting mechanism to create a decentralized decision making platform, holder vote according their tokens which higher votes decision will be implement in the development of the platform to ensure the best direction in GeFi.

And soon, when we launch our NFT Marketplace which will be the first NFT marketplace that provide valuable physical products + NFT concept and can be transact by using GEG or GES.

In the NFT part, we will be collaborating with digital artist from all around the world,

Also we will provide supports and inspires them to create better masterpieces.

And not to mention NFT/NFA bind with precious physical STONES.

In Summary, a token with functions and that is encouraged to circulate in a healthy ecosystem are guaranteed to grow in value in long term.


Q3 Do you have user manual or short videos that would guide potential users of project to safely navigate your platform?


Josh| GeFi : Welcome to GeFi’s ultimate Gitbook. You shall find all you need to know about GeFi Ecosystem here!

Yes, u can refer to our Gitbook for more info and updates.

Our team have included all the tutorial and FAQ insides.


Son Heroic | Cryptoclash : Awesome

Frostbite | Cryptoclash : Great, Next question

Q4 What are the actual use cases of this project?And what is the single most hurdle of the project currently? Also Can u tell us about the project partners and media partners of the project?


Alton | GeFi : GeFi constitutes 2 major ecosystem which integrates a lucrative finance vault with a unique NFT gamification equipped with an extensive marketplace making it one of the most exclusive Defi projects in the market.

GeFi introduces 2 tokens circulating in the entire ecosystem, GeGem (GEG) and GeStone (GES).

There are few use cases in GeFi’s ecosystem:

Decentralized finance vault — Battle-tested smart contract to ensure quality gains for all participants.

DAO — Voting mechanism enable holders participate in the decentralized decisions making to ensure the best of the platform

NFT marketplace — User friendly interface enable everyone to participate with no borders

NFT original content creation — Inspire and encourage digital artist to create better masterpiece.

These are all our media partners


Q5 Where does the project name come from? What does it mean for you and why did you choose that name for your project??


Alton | GeFi : An interesting question

GemStone Finance (GeFi) mission is to develop a decentralized platform where blockchain technology is applied in gem and jewellery industry.

We have introduced the first GeFi finance vault with the introduction of GeGem (GEG).

The introduction of GeStone (GES) is to empower the NFT marketplace, in a way that is fun and with earning model.

We will be partnering with merchants and artistes all around the world,

inspire and supports them to create their masterpiece products; all while they can trade and stake their gemstone related physical products in the StoneAge, our NFT marketplace.

We are also going to introduce our very own Blockchain-powered game calibrated with mysterious NFT items. Hence here we are, the revolution name of GemStone Finance, abbreviate as GeFi are born.


Segment 4: Live Asking

In this Session, we will unmute the chat for 30 seconds so everyone can send their Questions to participate in the AMA.

Josh| GeFi : Yes sure ~ please proceed

Alton | GeFi : Ready here

Frostbite | Cryptoclash : Thanks everyone for your questions

Now @ABrightGeFi @joshGeFi please take time to select 5 best question and answer them

Q1 from Telegram user @elpuga27 :

Has the project’s contract been verified?

Alton | GeFi : Yes, our contract is verified.

You can check it at :

Q2 from Telegram user @Kip617 :

STAKING is one of the STRATEGIES to ATTRACT USERS and HOLD Them and long term. Does your GREAT PROJECT have plan about to Staking?

Alton | GeFi : YES WE DO! We have launched 5 pools, which are

ISO pool for first pioneer from public sales





For the second phase, we may launch





Furthermore, we might have partnership and liquidity pool with other SWAP platforms as well.

For DAO, GeFions can participate in governance of GeFi ecosystem by staking GEG or GES in which you will gain the voting power.

Other than that, GeFions can earn our 2nd token — GES and NFTs by staking their GEG, whether in our Finance Vaults or in our Games.

These are our strategies to keep the growth of users, and to keep them engaged to remain in our ecosystem.

Q3 from Telegram user @saju9901:

Where can I buy your tokens now, what are your current contracts and how can I buy them and what are the benefits?

Alton | GeFi : You can buy our GEG token at PancakeSwap.

Just search GEG contract in PancakeSwap


You can stake your token in our farms, current highest APY is up to 2000%

Q4 from Telegram user @tmt_notoriousfsy :

What is the role of token in the ecosystem? Where can users currently buy it, and what would be its use?

Alton | GeFi : You may swap and add liquidity any time at PancakeSwap Finance.

The most important part of Defi project is derived under the smart contract, which will eventually determine the safety of the funds. External option is based on the core value of the project.

That”s why GeFi mission is to build a fortified ecosystem which integrates a lucrative finance vault, that where our GeGem (GEG) tokens came in time. Coded with battle-tested smart contracts, GEG can maximised rewards easily by stake in GeFi finance vault.

The introduction of GeStone (GES) as a mode of transaction, meanwhile creates value by adding a unique NFT gamification equipped with an extensive marketplace

GeFi mission is to become one of the most exclusive Defi projects in the market.

Q5 from Telegram user @hansen020 :

Advertising for the project is very important, so do you have any ideas to bring the project to more people?

Alton | GeFi : YES, that’s why we are here in Cryptoclash. Not to mention other community groups that has invited us.

We will be in at lest 4–5 AMA per week.

Other than that, our news & announcements will be posted occasionally on top tier medias such as

- Yahoo Finance & News

- News.bitcoin

- Boxmining

- Cryptonews

- Onlinebitz

- Google new

- Business insider

- Market watch

- Benzinga

- Medium and so on.

Meanwhile, SEO, Youtubers, Authors, Forums and Campaigns also play an important advertisement mechanism as well.

Josh| GeFi : Thank you

Thanks everyone joining us for tonight

Alton | GeFi : Interesting question we have received here

Thank you all

Josh | GeFi : Thanks Crypto clash for having us tonight..

About GeFi :

GeFi constitutes of 2 important ecosystems which integrates a lucrative finance vault with a unique NFT gamification equipped with an extensive marketplace making it one of the most exclusive Defi projects in the market.

GeFi is set to focus on optimizing the yields for every participant. The auto-compounded yields mechanism is equipped with battle-tested smart contracts and best-in-class yield optimizing strategies. GeFi uses a proprietary dynamic harvesting optimizer to enable the highest APYs on our vaults to ensure quality gains for all participants.

The GeFi protocol automatically switches funds between a variety set of protocols in order obtain the best rate of return. As a result, GeFi simplifies the yield farming process for participants. This in turn, will lead GeFions to a next level of HYPE!

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GeFi Official
GeFi Official

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